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Wednesday, March 26, 2008


There are two basic types of Yoga.

Yoga from India...

Yoga from Wisconsin....

Which is the one to follow...? Am confused.....


Anonymous said...

haa.. ha. good one. I prefer Wisconsin Yoga.

Anonymous said...

Choose your friends very wisely!!

Anonymous said...

hey...from your previous post 'I thought so...' it looks like you are already following the path towards the second aasana or you might have already experienced. why don't you try the first 'Indian yoga' which might even give solution to your concern in that post 'baduku jataka bandi'...what u say?

urbhat [Raj] said...

I agree on your sugestion to follow indian Yoga. but in "baduku jataka bandi" am not refereing about second asana.. that concern is about something else....think.

Anonymous said...

balanced life is more important. so follow both... do Indian yoga in morning and Wisconsin one in evening. nice collection kano..

Anonymous said...

oh...that was a mistake...sorry
"baduku jataka bandi" is really a too good article...keep it up

Manjunath said...

I like both yoga’s as they complementary. Indian yoga in the morning helps the Wisconsin yoga for the evenings.

ಗೌತಮ್ ಹೆಗಡೆ said...

hahaha yaava yoga bekadru follow maadi. but olleya guruvina mukhantarave kaltgolli :)nanna prakaara western yoga ne easy :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!